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    About Us
    Who is EMELEC ?
    EMELEC, is an engineering and contracting company is actively engaged in two main areas;

    - Production of  High Voltage Link Boxes of all types and design being the MAIN LINE of Production. Also included are Cable Cleats, and special cable tools like Copper Metal Joint Housing / Casings and Coffin Boxes for Copper Metal Joints used in field applications,  supply "FILLING COMPOUND" for filling Link Boxes,  High Frequency Current Transformators,  Partial Discharge Measurements Systems and Middle Voltage accesories.

    - High Voltage XLPE Power Cable Systems Project Engineering; include  AC Site Acceptance Tests, Partial Discharge Tests, Cable laying and installation Services with highly experienced field management staff, and Technicians with international certifications. Successfully executed both national and overseas Projects.

    EMELEC having a good background and understanding of HV XLPE Cable Systems, technically is capable of deciding the best mechanical and electrical design features of a LINK BOX and HV CABLE CLAMPS. EMELEC has its own machine shop capabilities including lazer cutting, CNC milling machines to fabricate a good of part of components, Metal Bending Hydraulic Press, a well equipped Welding Shop and a Paint Shop. EMELEC can deliver high quality LINK BOXES and HV CLAMPS of high reliability.

    EMELEC is located in a highly developed ‘Industrial City’ within the city limits of İstanbul and proceed its production facilties on its own factory plant which has 6000 m² closed, 1400 m² open area.